FL Divorce

divorce can be life-changing

We Have Solutions

Divorce Lawyers focused on Achieving your goals

You have earned your success in your life. If you are  considering divorce, or facing a dissolution of marriage petition filed by your spouse, you might be worried about continuing to succeed during and after the transition that divorce can bring. Our job is to support you. 


Divorce may not be something you envisioned, but it doesn’t have to slow down the success in your life. With a strong team on your side, you can move through this transition and continue to prosper. We work diligently to try to secure the opportunities you’ve earned for your future success.


Our experienced divorce attorneys will work the tough issues like parental responsibility and time-sharing, temporary support, and financial tracing. We work with financial professionals to help you understand a divorce’s effect on your business, savings, retirement, and other financial issues. We aim to provide all the guidance you will need throughout your divorce. Whatever the situation calls for, our job is to guide our clients toward the best result.

Brendon Carrington




A Clear Strategy – From Day One.

We begin planning a strategy for your case at our first meeting. Sometimes that means getting you into a hearing or trial as quickly as possible, and sometimes that means negotiating an out-of-court settlement agreement. Your family and your facts are unique from every other case. But, the laws and rules are the same. That makes the presentation of your case to the court critical.

Our attorneys don’t like to lose. This means a couple of things. First, it means that when we take up a fight, we intend to finish it and make every effort to be successful. Second, it means that we will advise and encourage you to think strategically about your case with us. We want to understand your goals. We then want to map a path to achieving them. That path is almost never a straight line. We know when to zig and when to zag.

Equitable Distribution

In Florida divorces, there are two types of property: marital property and non-marital property. In nearly all contexts, non-marital property – often consisting mainly of property owned prior to marriage or received as a gift or inheritance by one spouse alone – is typically not subject to division. It is marital property – the property acquired during the marriage – that must be equitably divided upon a dissolution of marriage.

Spousal Support / Maintenance

An ex-spouse’s entitlement to support depends on several factors, including the length of the marriage and the disparity in the level of income between the parties. Spousal support may be an important consideration in dissolving the marriage. 

Parental Responsibility and Time Sharing

Shared parental responsibility is favored by the court, and by law. Both parties to a divorce typically have equal rights to raise their children and participate in decision making. Our attorneys understand your rights and a successful strategy in a divorce case with parenting issues.

Child Support

State child support guidelines help determine a party’s obligation. However, the court may deviate from the guidelines in certain circumstances. Presenting the unique facts of your case to the court can save you or gain you substantial amounts per year in child support.

Domestic Violence

A domestic violence order can be devastating in a divorce with custody issues. In depth understanding of the elements of domestic violence and careful preparation of your case is critical in obtaining or defending a domestic violence petition.

Unmarried Couples

When navigating the complexities of legal matters for unmarried couples, experience is paramount. Our unwavering commitment to achieving favorable outcomes for unmarried couples in Florida is backed by a history of success. We are dedicated to helping unmarried couples find solutions to their legal issues.

divorce litigation

When going to Court, there is simply no substitute for experience. We are divorce trial attorneys. We have been involved in some of the largest cases in Florida, and across the country over the past 5 years.  We understand how to use the tools of discovery, financial analysis, and psychological evaluation to build a successful case.

Your premier family lawyers

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